Leda Blas & Jennifer Conroyd - #1493

Workout Wednesday


It is workout Wednesday everyone! We have a great show for you all today with Leda Blas talking about Krav Maga self defense, and Jennifer Conroyd discussing Fluid Running, or running in water! It’s a girl powered show today, so stick around!  

Leda Blas

Personal Trainer

Leda is a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist with over 30 years in the Fitness Industry. Leda was one of the First Trainers to be Certified as a Body Pump Instructor in the US. She specializes in Corrective Exercise and Group Fitness. Leda and her husband Tom started B&D by Tom & Leda, offering 1-on-1, Group Training, Kids Classes and Self Defense Seminars for all Ages.

Self-Defense Advice for Women and Girls

We should start teaching our children self defense as soon as we can. It teaches vigilance and determination from a young age. Around four years old is a great age. Leda and parents around the world teach their kids “stranger danger” because young children are targets now. Leda and her husband do teach gun and knife defense. It all depends on how close your attacker is to you. If you can run, run. But, if the attacker has a gun and asks for your possessions, just give it to them. You want to prevent anything from happening from the get go. If you can diffuse the situation before it happens, do it. Your job is to make sure you are not being surrounded. Fighting multiple people lowers your odds of being able to escape safely. 

If you are attacked in a crowd, it is a different situation. If you have child with you, you are only as fast as your slowest runner, if that is a child. If you are attacked in a crowd, scream, cry, and call 911. Use other people to your advantage. Make it a big scene to try and deter the attacker. Awareness of your surroundings is a huge deterrent. If you have children in car-seats, always be looking 360 degrees around you, because typically your back is turned. If you are attacked, try and look them in the eye. Always try and make a connection so you can pick them out from a lineup. The worst thing you can do is close your eyes. 

Jennifer Conroyd

Fluid Runner Trainer

Jennifer Conroyd is the founder of Fluid Running, a deep water running fitness company, who Men’s Journal named one of the best workouts in America. She is an ACE certified personal trainer, a USATF (USA Track & Field) certified coach, and has an Exercise in Medicine credential from ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine). Jennifer is an accomplished athlete who has completed the Ironman, 16 marathons and qualified for the Boston Marathon 15 times. She created Fluid Running after an injury left her unable to run in preparation for the 2010 Chicago Marathon. Jennifer is a graduate of Miami University. She resides in Chicago and is the mom of three adult boys.  

The Benefits Of Fluid Running

Fluid Running combines high resistance exercise and cardio fitness and is one of the best ways to stay in shape and keep healthy when pain prevents you from hitting the gym treadmill or going for your morning jog. It is similar to a soul-cycle class, but with more resistance and in water. This is different from traditional water aerobics in that most aerobics take place in the shallow end, while fluid running takes place in the deep end where your feet can not touch the bottom at all. Fluid Running is great for everyone, but it is best for those whose health and fitness is important to them but they suffer pain or injury. Fluid running is great for pregnant women! Because you are working out, your body temperature stays cooler, which is important for pregnant women. Also, in the deep water, you can strengthen your core although you may be wobbly when on land. 

If you’re looking to lose 5 lbs or 50 lbs, Fluid Running is an excellent exercise for weight loss that combines aerobic conditioning with strength training.  Running in deep water burns 30-40% more calories than running on land because water is 800 times denser than air. The energy required to move a body through water is greater than what’s required for moving on land creating higher calorie burn with additional strength benefits. It creates circulation in your legs while keeping your heart rate up! You can leave your fluid running session like you just had a massage even though you just did a whole workout! Being in the water can make you happier and bring even more endorphins than being on land! 

A Big Thank You!

Thank you to todays guests, Jennifer Conroyd and Leda Blas!


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