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Kip Watson - #1499

Thoughtful Thursday

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Kip Watson - #1999

Happy Thursday! Junior is here in the mix, and he tells the story of how he got that nickname! Bernadette doesn’t have a radio name, but Bernadette is unique and Junior says she shouldn’t change it! We have a great show today, so stick around.

Kip Watson

High Performance Coach

Kip is a licensed Professional Counselor & Supervisor and Sports Psychology Professional. She holds two Master’s degrees and has 20 years of experience working with athletes, coaches, families, and corporate team. Kip is also a Certified High Performance Coach, Former professional athlete and Mom of two.

How Anyone Can Be A High Performer - PT. Five - Influence

In the 80’s, Kip was actually a name she got from a Junior radio station! Ann isn’t a good radio name, and so she used Kip, and it just stuck. Everyone has someone that influences them. Bernadette talks about the moment when people realize that they have become their mother or father. But regardless of language barriers or genders, influenced transcend beyond sentences. Influences can be behaviors. Influence is not always learning what to do, it can also be teaching someone what not to do. We can not judge unless we have absolutely walked in their shoes. But we can always learn, as a parent or even as a parent of a child and learning from them. You are the greatest influence on yourself. Kip says we have really strayed away from the true definition of parenting. You need to me a contributor and not a contaminator. Bernadette brings up a lack of honestly when it comes to influence. Ill-intent and gain for yourself is what is moving people about from betterment for both parties. People’s innate goals are selfishness and we must teach good as parents and mentors. You can watch any infant and come to the conclusion that we are innately selfish. This can also be argued either way. There is a lot of discussion back and forth between if we are born inherently good or inherently bad.

There is a harsh line drawn into the sand between “do they need help” or “do they need some form of attention that only I can give them.” Parents are powerful role models for teenagers. What you do and say guides your child’s behavior, attitudes, and beliefs, now and in the long term. You can be a role model by including your child in family discussions, living a healthy lifestyle, being positive, taking responsibility for your actions and more. You have an important influence on your child’s values and long-term choices. The stronger your relationship with your child, the more influence you’ll have.

Bernadette is OVER IT with the influencers. Kip says that every day she gets someone reaching out to her wanting her to promote something for them. If someone has to tell you that they are a certain religion, hide your wallet. Religion should be separate, church and state. Church and social media. Great influencers teach us how to think. The second thing great influencers to is challenge us. They challenge us to put our attention some other way and change our behavior. The last thing is that they role model the way. They are not just talking the talk, but they are walking the walk.

A Big Thank You!

Thank you to todays guest, Kip Watson!

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