Farm Sanctuary & All You Need is Less #1006

Farm SanctuaryAnimals and humans have co-habited the earth since the beginning. Eating meat and using animals for Human Resources has also been around for quite some time. Today the world is a very different place and animals seem to be at the mercy of our consumeristic needs. Gene Baur is the founder of Farm Sanctuary which rescues, rehabilitates, and provides lifelong care for animals who have been saved from stockyards, factory farms, and slaughterhouses. Today we talk about the power of a plant-based diet and how fast food chains are now offering vegan options. For example, Burger King is rolling their new impossible Whopper! And he tells us about some of the animals that Farm Sanctuary has recently rescued.Madeleine Somerville is the author of the book, All You Need is Less:ย A Guilt-Free Guide to Eco-Friendly Green Living and Stress-Free Simplicity. She is an expert on how to live your life with less of anย environmental footprint. She talks today about recycling, composting, and household products that you should ditch. There are chemicals and toxins everywhere and in everything, which can make it seem impossible to get away from them. Madeleine's book gives easy ways to make your life a little bit more eco-friendly.


Dangers of Fragrance, Feeding Your Children Well #1007


Every Child is at Risk For Suicide, Michelle Norris - Paleo(f)x #1005