Dangers of Fragrance, Feeding Your Children Well #1007

FragranceThe fragrance industry is a big one. You have candles, air fresheners, plug-ins, and then you move into the perfume's and body sprays...fragrance is honestly in everything. And here's the scary part: the word fragrance on an ingredient list can actually be up to 200 undisclosed chemicals. Stephanie Toups is our consumer advocate and she always brings us this kind of info. There are alternative ways to clean your air and add a good smell to it, without hurting your body, and she tells us some of them. She also talks about the exact ingredients in these kinds of products that you should stay far, far away from and why. If you are feeling brain fog, sluggish, or even having trouble breathing, it could just be something in your home.The Primal Mom, Amber Butcher, is always making food for the family healthier and easier. She talks today about the importance of food for our growing children. Certain foods and additives in foods can create hyperactivity as well as simply not be full of nutrients. It's no wonder kids are hyper and can't sit still after lunch when they are being fed terrible quality food that is loaded with additives and sugar. A simple diet change is all it takes to see positive results in your children. Amber tells us how to get rid of some of those bad foods in our pantry and replace them with something our kids will love and won't hurt their bodies.


Managing Stress and Anxiety & Understanding your Moods #1008


Farm Sanctuary & All You Need is Less #1006