Feb 20th 2018 - "What's Making Our Children Sick?" - What Happens in Your Brain During a Meditative State? - Differences in Lifting Between Men & Women


What's Making Our Children Sick?

what's making our children sick?Dr. Michelle Perro, author of "What's Making Our Children Sick? How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, & What Parents & Doctors Can Do About It", talks about food, environment, & toxic chemicals.Here are a few questions we ask Dr. Perro:

  1. Are genetic modification technologies actually increasing instead of decreasing the amount of toxic chemicals that are being used in crop production?
  2. Are the genetically engineered foods that are grown with these pesticides, and are now in plentiful supply, studied sufficiently enough to know whether or not they are themselves dangerous to humans, and particularly to children?
  3. Are the agrochemicals associated with GM food production actually toxic and if so how toxic (i.e., at what levels are they toxic)?
  4. Are we witnessing an epidemic of dangerous exposure to the very things that have been putatively used to ensure a safe and reliable food supply?

Differences in Lifting Between Men & Women

What does it mean to train like a girl? Will women get 'bulky' if they start lifting weights? Ron Incerta, co-owner and founder of Oakfit Dallas talks about the differences in lifting between men and women.

  1. Should men and women exercise differently?
  2. What is the myth behind 'bulking up'?
  3. Is there an ideal method someone should use for exercise?

Your Brain in a Meditative State!

Robin Perry Braun discusses what happens in our brain during a meditative state.

  1. What is meditation from a scientific point of view?- Meditation occurs when we quiet our thoughts and focus on something specific like the space around us, God, higher vibrations, etc.
  2. How did they conduct experiments?- This is the research of Dr Joe Dispenza. They taught meditation and then hooked EEG machines up to people in the group and measured brain waves. They also used other technology which scans the brain using color.

People normally operate in beta during the day. States of stress and fight or flight are high beta and the brain gets stuck and is not in a state of flowMeditation helps bring the brain down to alpha and theta frequency states which are just above delta and indicate relaxation states. Many of the people experienced what would be evidenced as a synchronizing of the parts of the brain in states of meditation and some reached a gamma frequency which could be compared to altered states of bliss.  


Daniel Tague - Functional Exercise, Autumn Warren - What Are Prebiotics? February 21st, 2018


Allison Mears - You Own a Pig?!, Shawn Wells - Childhood Adversity Links to Cancer, Autumn Warren - What Are Prebiotics?