Feb 22nd 2018 - Sustainable Farm Movement - Supplements 101 - Mental Strength Pt. 3


It's Time to Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

bois d'arcThomas Locke, farmer and co-owner of Bois D'Arc Meat Co. farms educates us on consumer spending role in the sustainable food movement.The sustainable food movement will only go so far as consumers are willing to take it. Economic viability isn't the main reason people begin sustainable farming ventures, but it is a vital component.Cons:InconvenientMore expensivePros:HealthierTastes BetterBetter for environment - global warming, carbon footprint, soil health, water qualityBetter for animal welfareKeeps money in your local economyHelps you appreciate food moreEncourages you to become a better cookI believe it is the key to revitalizing economically depressed rural communitiesRole of consumers in sustainable food movement:The first step is understanding what you are buying. Understand how pasture-raised meat is different from conventionally raised products. Ask questions of the farmers you are buying from, and ask if you can see pictures of the animals.

Supplements 101

Jill Lane talks about the 3 things we should do before we purchase a supplement to make sure we are making an informed purchase.

  1. Check the website for manufacturing certification and audit history
  2. Read the other ingredients first
  3. Read the supplement facts panel last
  4. You say if you’re not going to do the prep work you shouldn’t take supplements, why?

Improving Your Mental Strength Part 3

Kip Watson continues her segment Improving Your Mental Strength.

  1. ‘Mental Strength’ – Can you remind us of the definition and the key factors involved?
  2. One of the biggest contributors to a lack of mental strength is that desire to be in control---really? You say giving up control makes us stronger and happier?
  3. I think people believe they can control another person’s happiness…would you say that’s people pleasing?
  4. Some of the most miserable and weak people don’t take risk because they are afraid…what does that lead to?
  5. One of the biggest time wasters is dwelling on the past…how can we make peace with the past and get stronger?

Maura Davies - Breaking the Cycle Pt. 1, Dr. Mike Fenster - Citizens Under Attack, Shawn Wells - Over Processed Foods


Daniel Tague - Functional Exercise, Autumn Warren - What Are Prebiotics? February 21st, 2018