Feb 26th 2018 - Stop Stress Eating! - DIY Skin Care Products - Benefits of Yoga for Men & Women


Stop Stress Eating!

stress eatingDr. Mike McFarland talks about stress eating and how to stop and prevent it.

  1. In today’s society, we have an increasing problem with overweight and obesity. What is the role of stress eating in this problem?
  2. How can I tell if stress eating is a problem for me?
  3. What can we do stop stress eating

DIY Skin Care Products

Autumn Warren, creator of Ether Elixir talks about DIY skin care products and shares some of her favorite recipes!

  1. Lotions – blend high-grade oils (coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, etc.) with an organic cold-pressed shea butter to lock in moisture. Commercial lotions are full of fillers, water & alcohol – even natural ones are costly and not enough of the good stuff.
  2. Using ether elixir as a natural probiotic toner.
  3. Adding niacinamide to witch hazel as a natural way to lock in face moisture.
  4. Use old tea in the bath!

Benefits of Yoga for Men & Women

Isabell Daniel talks about the health and spiritual benefits of yoga for both men and women.


#713 Feb 27th 2018 - "The Stress Test: How Pressure Can Make You Stronger & Sharper" - Intention Experiments


Maura Davies - Breaking the Cycle Pt. 1, Dr. Mike Fenster - Citizens Under Attack, Shawn Wells - Over Processed Foods