Sam Morris - How Addicts Avoid Sobriety and Mo Brossette - Implementing Daily Movement #1090

Avoiding Real Sobriety

Today we talk with Sam Morris about common stories or reasons that addicts use to avoid real sobriety. Mo Brossette talks about implementing daily movement as a stress reducer and focus enhancer.

Stories Addicts Use to Avoid Sobriety

Sam Morris was once an addict, and now is using his experience with recovery as well as his professional experience to help others. Today we talk about some of the stories and reasons that addicts use to avoid or block real sobriety. Living a life of real sobriety for an addict can be intimidating, unwanted, and overall difficult. That's why you may hear these kinds of stories from addicts:

  • When I get a new job, new girl, more money; then i'll get sober

  • I'm not an alcoholic, I just like to party

  • I can stop whenever I want, I just don't want to.

  • I'll never be able to have any fun again if I totally stop drinking

  • I'll never be able to meet a girl/guy if I don't drink

  • My family/friends are just drinkers

  • Life without alcohol is scary

We talk about what the truths are behind each of these. We also talk about the steps to recognizing you have an addiction and getting help to get through it.Sam Morris is the founder of Telos Lifestyle Coaching. He specializes in coaching people through the early stages of recovery from addiction. He is also a Certified Mindset Coach, a Certified Mindfulness Practitioner, a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Nutritionist.

Implementing Daily Movement as a Stress Reducer and Focus Enhancer

Getting through the work day being motivated and productive is a daunting task. Things come at you like distractions, tiredness, boredom, and day dreaming, which can all take you away from getting the job done. There is actual evidence to show that you can only be focused and productive for 50 minutes maximum working on a single task. So, most people most likely spend their days not being as productive as they could be.But, there is a solution. Mo Brossette talks with us today about how incorporating movement into your day can up your focus and decrease your stress. Mo says that taking a walk a few times throughout your day, with no phone and no distractions can increase blood flow to the brain, which in turn produces more creativity and focus. This is so important for so many people all over the world who work at a desk for 8 hours a day. Get up from your desk, turn on a good song, and go for a walk! The quality of your work and your mental health will thank you!Mo Brossette is the director of nutrition and mindset at the Adaptive Training Foundation.


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