Dr. John Huber - How Moods Are Contagious and DeWone Bennett - How to Stay Healthy While Traveling #1017
Moods are contagious
Being around someone who is in an extremely happy and jolly mood will usually lift you up too, right? Well the same goes for a bad mood. Moods are contagious in that they are energy you are projecting onto the people around you. Dr. John Huber is a clinical forensic psychologist, so he knows a lot about our brains and the way we think and act. Today he talks about how bad moods can be contagious and how you can avoid catching a bad mood. Really, it all comes down to not taking things personally because someone else's bad mood has nothing to do with you (usually). Then we dive into some other ways that we pick up and learn from moods and the way we see parents use their emotions.DeWone Bennett joins us to talk about keeping your mental health in check during the summer and while traveling. He gives us specific things we should do when traveling that may ease the stresses of travel. He also talks about how the summer forces more time with your family which can be very anxiety provoking for some.Jill Lane backpacks on this topic but on the nutritional side of things. When going on vacation during the summer with your family, you have to prepare. Jill says, even if your preparing to eat and drink whatever you want, at least have a plan. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.