Jan 30th 2018 - Sports Fanatics - Arthritis/Osteoarthritis - Social Media


Why Are People Sports Fanatics?

sportsRobin Perry Braun discusses why people get so worked up watching their favorite sport!

  1. Why is the Super Bowl the most watched event of the year?
  2. Why are people crazy about sports?
  3. What are signs one is choosing to be a victim in terms of losing?


Dr. Jim Dowd, author of The Vitamin D Cure talks about Age Related Arthritis/Osteoarthritis and Diet.Dr. Dowd gives his best tips on how to decrease inflammation and lower insulin levels.

  1. Why do arthritis symptoms begin in our 40s and 50s?
  2. What does insulin do?
  3. How do I lower my insulin levels?

6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health

Robin Perry Braun speaks on Forbes article, The 6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health.

  1. It's addictive
  2. It triggers more sadness, less well-being
  3. Comparing our lives with others is mentally unhealthy
  4. It can lead to jealousy, and a vicious cycle
  5. We get caught in the illusion of thinking it will help
  6. More friends on social media does not mean you are more social

Jan 31st 2018 - How to do a Self Assessment Cont. - Top 5 Fat Burning Exercises - Easy Things to Garden


Jan 29th 2018 - "Skinny Fat" - Top 3 Kitchen Food Swaps - Sleep & Your Emotional Health