Jan 31st 2018 - How to do a Self Assessment Cont. - Top 5 Fat Burning Exercises - Easy Things to Garden


How to Do a Self Assessment

Daniel Tague continues his segment on how to do a self assessment.

  1. What are some ways the normal person can assess themselves?
  • Shoulders
  • Hips
  • Spine
  • Knees
  • Ankles
  • Wrists
  1. How do you apply all this when you lift?

Top 5 Fat Burning Exercises

Daniel Tague discusses the pros and cons of these fat burning workouts!

  1. Man Maker
  2. Break Dance Push Up
  3. Sox Squat
  4. Skater Squat
  5. Hip Hinge

Fun & Easy Things to Garden!

gardeningAutumn Warren, creator of Ether Elixir shares her favorite and easiest things to garden!

  1. Sprouts – super simple – you don’t even need dirt. Buy sprouting seeds, soak in water, keep moist for a few days and you’ll have a quick, inexpensive source of microgreens.
  2. Now is the time to start planning your spring garden if you want to grow from seedlings (cheapest!)
  3. Cucumbers – they do great in a pot, and produce rapidly! Lots of fun to have quick easy access to cucumbers.
  4. Cherry tomatoes – also wonderful in a pot, and tons of production. You can even grow quite easily from old tomatoes you bought from the grocery store.
  5. Black beans – they sprout almost instantly – and both the bean pod is edible when young similar to a green bean, or you can wait until it hardens to have fresh black beans, the leaves are also edible and delicious!



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Jan 30th 2018 - Sports Fanatics - Arthritis/Osteoarthritis - Social Media