Matt Bruce - "Februdairy" Von Eaglin - Trust in Couples Relationships - Kip Watson - How to Identify Toxic Coaches February 1st, 2018




Matt Bruce, campaign promoter at PETA talks about "Februdairy", a campaign launched by the dairy industry counteracting "Veganuary".

Trust in Couples Relationships

Von Eaglin talks about how to build trust within couples relationships. Here are a few questions Von answers:

  1. Why is trust important within couple relationships?

  2. What is the difference between trust in a healthy relationship versus and unhealthy couple relationship?

  3. How does someone to evaluate a person’s trustworthiness?

  4. What can people do to rebuild trust within relationships?

Identifying Toxic Coaches

Parents maybe wondering if their child is safe when they drop them off gym, pool, court, field… Kip Watson talks about how to protect our children from toxic coaches.

  1. What is important to teach our children about boundaries?

  2. What could possibly be the problem with a parent watching practice?

  3. What leads to overtraining?

  4. What kind of communication should be present between coaches, parents, and athletes?


Maura Davies - "8 Things Your Cat Would LOVE to Tell You, Shawn Wells - Alpha GPC February 2nd, 2018


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