Matt Bruce - "Februdairy" Von Eaglin - Trust in Couples Relationships - Kip Watson - How to Identify Toxic Coaches February 1st, 2018




Matt Bruce, campaign promoter at PETA talks about "Februdairy", a campaign launched by the dairy industry counteracting "Veganuary".

Trust in Couples Relationships

Von Eaglin talks about how to build trust within couples relationships. Here are a few questions Von answers:

  1. Why is trust important within couple relationships?

  2. What is the difference between trust in a healthy relationship versus and unhealthy couple relationship?

  3. How does someone to evaluate a personโ€™s trustworthiness?

  4. What can people do to rebuild trust within relationships?

Identifying Toxic Coaches

Parents maybe wondering if their child is safe when they drop them off gym, pool, court, fieldโ€ฆ Kip Watson talks about how to protect our children from toxic coaches.

  1. What is important to teach our children about boundaries?

  2. What could possibly be the problem with a parent watching practice?

  3. What leads to overtraining?

  4. What kind of communication should be present between coaches, parents, and athletes?


Maura Davies - "8 Things Your Cat Would LOVE to Tell You, Shawn Wells - Alpha GPC February 2nd, 2018


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