Maura Davies - "8 Things Your Cat Would LOVE to Tell You, Shawn Wells - Alpha GPC February 2nd, 2018


8 Things Your Cat Would LOVE to Tell You

Maura Davies, VP of Communications at the SPCA talks about everything our furry little friends would LOVE to tell us!

  1. Please do not disturb my nap on your laptop or keyboard

  2. Hands off the belly, 'kay?

  3. I am cat ... let me scratch

  4. I'm perfectly capable of bathing myself, thanks

  5. Don't freak out when I bring you dead animal or insect "gifts"

  6. I meow at you to tell you something specific

  7. We truly wish you'd find yourself another animal to demonize

  8. We're early risers, so deal with it


Alpha-GPC is one of the most commonly prescribed nootropics. Mainly taken for its ability to acutely increase cognition, but new research suggest Alpha-GPC may have clinical applications as well as some sport performance applications as well. Shawn Wells talks about the supplement and why people are all over it these days.


Feb 5th 2018 - Meditation & The Microbiome - "Februdairy" - Raw Diet for Your Pet


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