Feb 5th 2018 - Meditation & The Microbiome - "Februdairy" - Raw Diet for Your Pet


Meditation & The Microbiome

meditationAutumn Warren Connolly, creator of Ether Elixir discusses the importance of meditation and the microbiome. Here are a few questions we ask:

  1. How are meditation and the microbiome related?
  2. How do the microorganisms in our gut affect what we do?
  3. How is the microbiome affected by meditation?


Danielle, from Mercy for Animals continues "Februdairy" and discusses the cruelty that goes on behind dairy factory farm doors.

Raw Diet for Your Pet

Autumn discusses the benefits of a raw diet for your furry friend.

  1. What are some of the main health benefits?
  2. How does it help with dental care?
  3. What about salmonella?!

Feb 6th 2018 - "Paleo Self Care" - Taking Responsibility in Conflict - What Exercises Are Right For Me?


Maura Davies - "8 Things Your Cat Would LOVE to Tell You, Shawn Wells - Alpha GPC February 2nd, 2018