Jan 8th 2018 - Master Your Diabetes - Flu Season - DIY


Master Your Diabetes!

master your diabetesThe evidence is clear: We are in the midst of a worldwide diabetes epidemic. In the United States alone, one in three Americans is either diabetic (29 million patients) or prediabetic (87 million patients), costing an annual $242 billion in medical treatments. Dr. Mona Morstein joins us to discuss her book Master Your Diabetes: A Comprehensive, Integrative Approach for Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.  

It's Flu Season!

How are you staying healthy this flu season? Dr. Steven Schwartz, creator of Flunata gives us his best tips on staying healthy this season.

DIY Mashup!

Autumn Warren, creator of Ether Elixir gives us some of her amazing natural DIY projects to try at home!Easy homemade face masks that really work:

  1. Honey & banana:

Leaves skin feeling so soft!  Honey has antibacterial/viral/fungal properties in addition to healing agents.  Banana has potassium that hydrates & brightens (diminishes scars and red spots) skin using vitamins A, B, C & E .  SO EASY & ingredients tend to be most household staples.

  1. Pineapple & coconut oil or cream:

Pineapple is packed with enzymes like bromelain and fruit acids that simultaneously break down dead skin cells and nourish new skin cells.  The pineapple allows the coconut oil to penetrate skin on a deeper level than it could alone – allowing the antimicrobial properties of coconut oil to sink in along with hydration and anti-aging benefits from the ALA alpha lipoic acid reduces wrinkles and encourages skin cell growth.Making your own natural cleaners:

  1. All-purpose solution:  25% vodka, 25% vinegar, 50% water – essential oil of choice
  2. Use microfiber clothes
  3. DE for scrubbing
  4. Baking soda & vinegar for bubble action

Making your own skin care products:

  1. Lotions – blend high grade oils (coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, etc.) with an organic cold-pressed shea butter to lock in moisture.  Commercial lotions are full of fillers, water & alcohol – even natural ones are costly and not enough of the good stuff.
  2. Using ether elixir as a natural probiotic toner.
  3. Adding niacinamide to witch hazel as a natural way to lock in face moisture.
  4. Use old tea in the bath!



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