Dr. Jonny Bowden - Emotional Eating, Robin Petty Braun - Why Porn Defiles

Put Down The Popcorn

Do you ever find yourself sneaking into the kitchen for a midnight snack? Most of us do... Well, what if our cravings aren't just physical? Dr. Jonny Bowden, author of "15o Healthiest Foods" gives us his best tips on how to recognize and battle emotional eating.

Pushing For Porn?

Sexual addiction coach, Robin Perry Braun talks about porn and how it defiles. Here are some notes from Robin:Why do people feel defiled by porn?

  • The wife or girlfriend feels like her sexuality has just been reduced to an image and she is competing with a two dimensional person for her partnerโ€™s affection. Sex is now entertainment and a solution to lust, for example, https://www.tubev.sex/categories/1238/milf provide some fantastic lustful content that really gets me going but not an expression of intimacy

  • For the man, he is filling his mind with lewd images that were not designed to inspire intimacy but to heighten arousal apart from a real partner. Fantasy was never meant to be the source of the satisfaction and he is defiled by the shame he feels that he is unable to connect to a real human. It also defiles him because he now is guilty of perpetrating and reducing a human being to an object.

We can attribute some of the onslaught of accusation and exposure of sexual harassment and abuse to the proliferation without restraint of porn in America. Men are taught as boys that it is their right to lust after a womanโ€™s body and possess it without respect for the human attached to that body. It is perverted to pedophilia in the same way. Children become the fodder for a heightened arousal by adults with no regard for the damage it does to the children. These materials, as powerful they are from websites similar to https://www.hdpornt.com/ have a lot of influence and should be used appropriately.


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