Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Back to Basics on Health and Fitness #1085

Leadership and Entrepreneurship Today Daniel Alonzo joins us to talk about leadership and entrepreneurship. And we have Tina Bernet in studio talking about getting back to basics on health and fitness.

Leadership and Entrepreneurship

Daniel Alonzo decided in his 20's to drop out of college and take his business journey into his own hands. He learned at a fast pace how to be a great leader and climb the ladder to become as successful as possible. Now, Daniel and his wife are sitting pretty on an income that they never dreamed possible.Daniel talks with us today about his financial journey and what it took for him to get where he is today. Deciding to go the entrepreneurship route can be so intimidating, but the key is working hard and living below your means. The sacrifices you have to make will make some people turn away immediately. But for those who have the "whatever it takes" mentality, becoming a successful entrepreneur and leader are absolutely possible.

Back to Basics: Health and Fitness

Tina Bernet is one of the top female personal trainers in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. She has a passion for fitness and overall health, and strives to help her clients achieve their highest goals. Today we are going back to the basics.Sometimes, fitness routines and meal plans can be difficult. They are too complex, require too much equipment or time, or are just too expensive. These can hinder someone from starting their fitness/health journey. Tina gives us advice on some of her exercise routines for certain body types or physique goals. If you are not wanting to bulk or the opposite, there are certain exercises you should and shouldn't do. She also cracks down on some of the exercise myths out there.


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