DeWone Bennett - Male Midlife Crisis and Jill Lane - Fasting #934

Todays show is all about self-help. It’s the new year and the number one New Years Resolution should be taking care of you! Jill Lane and Dewone Bennett joins Bernadette and the team today to dive into some great topics you won’t want to miss!

DeWone Bennett is a licensed professional counselor with a psychology degree and a counseling degree. He talks to us about men going through midlife crises. What causes the spontaneous purchase of a Harley Davidson, sports car, or a new young girlfriend? Is it ego? Is it fear of getting older? Why do we judge older men who may just be enjoying their lives DeWone gives us the scoop of the psychology of a real midlife crisis. If you have questions for DeWone, you can find him here!

Jill Lane, our in-house pro-athlete nutrition coach and founder of Fueling Champions, talks all about the science of fasting. If you struggle sticking to diets, maybe fasting is for you. Jill dives into the different types of fasting, the dangers of fasting, and how to tailor the right diet for YOU!


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