Colleen O'Brian - PETA Update and Autumn Connolly - Farming #933
We are so happy to have the Director of Communications for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Colleen O'Brian on the show today.
PETA is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters. They focus mostly on abolishing animal abuse abuse in laboratories, the food industry, clothing trade and entertainment.
O'Brian shares some great news with us in both the clothing industry and farming industries. Rabbits in China and goats in South Africa have been tortured relentlessly in the Angora wool industry. Through undercover work exposing these horrors, governments are now monitoring and penalizing these abusers. These steps are saving thousands if not millions of animals from these unimaginable abuses.
O'Brian also talks about exposing abusers in the egg farming industry including one of Kroger's largest suppliers. Kroger stepped up to the plate and has quit working with the company until further notice thanks to PETA's efforts.
If you're considering going vegan, we also learn the first step you should take to start on your journey. Listen to the show to hear what O'Brien suggests!
PETA on One Life Radio
Autumn Connolly joins us to discuss the benefits of urban farming. She is an expert and shares her personal experience with raising chickens, ducks and more. She also has a garden with a variety of veggies. Why go to the store when you can just go in your own backyard for your eggs, veggies and more? Save time and money with Autumn's tips.