#726 Mar 15th 2018 - Cancer Cures Offer Hope - How to Lead with Optimism!


Cancer Cures Offer Hope

Scott E. Miners, founder and executive editor of The Wellbeing Journal talks about his article "Cancer Cures Offer Hope".Scott talks about Essiac and the herbal healing properties.

How to Lead With Optimism!

Kip Watson talks about How to Lead With Optimism: Coaches, Teachers, Parents.

  1. With so much negativity, the magazine Fast Companyrecently interviewed a variety of leaders about howthey lead with optimism. So this is the best of thebest here... Who is in this issue?
  2. Leading with optimism is more than the bottom linedollarโ€ฆ What does it involve?
  3. Change is happening faster than ever before, incorporate America, in sports, and in our schools. Howdo we handle this in a positive way?
  4. Values, authenticity, being real can be hard for aleader, what can we learn from all these successfulfolks about the use of those things?

7 Springtime Pet Hazards, How to Survive the Sneezin' Season, The Mama Mia Diet, Daylight Savings Time #727 Mar 16th, 2018


#725 Mar 14th 2018 - Paleo for Type 2 Diabetes - The Mechanics of Running Cont. - Schoolhouse-to-Jailhouse Cont.