7 Springtime Pet Hazards, How to Survive the Sneezin' Season, The Mama Mia Diet, Daylight Savings Time #727 Mar 16th, 2018


7 Springtime Pet Hazards

After a long winter, we’re sure that you’re ready to get outside with your dog. Maura Davies, VP of Communications at the SPCA of North Texas talks about the 7 hazards to look out for this season.

  1. Ticks and Tick-borne Disease

  2. Antifreeze

  3. Heartworm

  4. Fertilizers and Mulch

  5. Metaldehyde (Slug Bait)

  6. Bee Stings

  7. Snakes

If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian -- they are yourbest resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.

How to Survive the Sneezin' Season

Dr. Cass Ingram gives us his best tips on how to survive the sneezing season!

  1. Why is natural therapy ideal for winter ailments?

  2. How do "hot" oils and spices...like oil of oregano...stop allergy symptoms?

  3. Are natural oils and spices effective remedies for other illnesses, like colds or flu?

  4. What is the best way to use Wild Oregano and what is the best form?

  5. What are some other uses of natural oils and spices for fighting sickness and maintaining optimum health?

"The Mama Mia Diet!"

Paola Lovisetti Scamihorm talks about her book "The Mama Mia Diet: The Secret Italian Way to Good Health".

  1. How can eating pasta can help you lose weight?

  2. What are some of the benefits of red wine?

  3. Why is the Mamma Mia Diet superior to other diets?

  4. Why do Italians live longer than other groups?

  5. Can you explain and translate “A tavola non si invecchia”? (One does not grow old at the table); the pleasure of good food, wine, and company is such that the passage of time is suspended.

  6. What are some of the best foods for weight loss and longevity?

  7. What are the top ten secrets to good health the Italian way?

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time is a dated concept. It’s “time” we all move past it. Why? Because it’s literally killing us! Shawn Wells talks about Daylight Savings Time and how it can negatively impact our health.

  1. When did Daylight Saving Time start and why?

  2. What are some basics about this time change?

  3. But how bad is it really? You think it’s the deadliest day of the year?

  4. So, who does not observe DST in the U.S.?



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