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Nov 8th 2017 - Intermittent Fasting - Power Lifting - Keto

Ryan Lowery talks about intermittent fasting and how manipulating our mitochondrial networks may be the key to increasing our lifespan. mitochondria "The study, published Oct. 26 online in Cell Metabolism, sheds light on the basic biology involved in cells’ declining ability to process energy over time, which leads to aging and age-related disease, and how interventions such as periods of fasting might promote healthy aging.Mitochondria the energy-producing structures in cells exist in networks that dynamically change shape according to energy demand. Their capacity to do so declines with age, but the impact this has on metabolism and cellular function was previously unclear. In this study, the researchers showed a causal link between dynamic changes in the shapes of mitochondrial networks and longevity."Read more about this study, here.Daniel Tague talks about olympic weight lifting and the benefits of heavy lifting.

  1. What is Olympic weight lifting?- Main lifts- Snatch- Power clean
  1. Should everyone do these to be healthy?- Needs to be modified for each person unless you are going to do them in a competition then you have to meet the standards set forth.
  1. How do you modify these lifts to make them safe for the average person?