Sept 14th 2017 - Gifts of Imperfection - Dr. Nandi
Today we talk with Dr. Partha Nandi about his new book "Ask Dr. Nandi: 5 Steps to Becoming Your Own #HealthHero for Longevity, Well-Being, and a Joyful Life", and we talk September Book Club Selection with Kip Watson.Leading Physician Dr. Partha Nandi MD, FACP reveals in his debut book that your health is NOT PRE-DETERMINED. In a world where everyone is extremely concerned about their health and well-being, Dr. Nandi stresses to his followers that you are NOT your genes and your health fate is NOT sealed at any age.Dr. Partha Nandi talks more about his book "Ask Dr. Nandi: 5 Steps to Becoming Your Own #HealthHero for Longevity, Well-Being, and a Joyful Life".“A #HealthHero means being an advocate for yourself and your family, in sickness and in health. It’s about building the confidence to gain knowledge and use that knowledge to make tough decisions. I’m giving readers the necessary tools to become empowered and take ownership of his or her health choices. Whether addressing bullying or prostate cancer, community and purpose or fitness and nutrition, I am tackling tough questions, stimulating conversations, creating a new awareness of options and resources, and guiding readers to confidently make the choices that are best for them.” - Dr. Partha Nandi.
Kip Watson talks about her September Book Club selection "The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Dr. Brenet Brown". "Practicing courage, compassion, and connection in our daily lives is how we cultivate worthiness. The key word is practice. Mary Daly, a theologian, writes, “Courage is like—it’s a habitus, a habit, a virtue: You get it by courageous acts. It’s like you learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging.” The same is true for compassion and connection. We invite compassion into our lives when we act compassionately toward ourselves and others, and we feel connected in our lives when we reach out and connect."