Sept 15th - Spay N Neuter - PURE Study - Mindful Meditation
Today we talk with Maura Davies from the North Texas SPCA and Jacob Carty from the Spay N Neuter Network about spaying and neutering our animals, we talk with Dr. Mike Fenster about the PURE Study, and we talk about mindful meditation with Autumn Warren.Maura Davies, VP of communications for the North Texas SPCA talks about the importance of getting our animals fixed. There are thousands of animals on the street, the first step to getting them off is to spay and neuter our very own.Jacob Carty talks more about the Spay N Neuter Network. Find your Spay N Neuter Network location here, and read more about their affordable services!
Dr. Mike Fenster, author of "The Fallacy of The Calorie: Why The Modern Western Diet is Killing Us and How to Stop It", talks about the findings in the PURE Study. Here is an excerpt from his post on Psychology Today:“Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the USDA treated fat as the primary harm in the American diet,” according to Marion Nestle, Ph.D., former chair of the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University. It was an undertaking many researchers feel was never grounded in science.At the time the guidelines were issued in 1977, no randomized controlled trial (RCT) had tested the proposed dietary fat sanctions; limits of 30 percent total fat and 10 percent saturated fat. The dietary fat restrictions were based on six dietary trials, five of them secondary prevention, consisting of a grand total of 2,467 males. The implementation immediately impacted 220 million Americans and 56 million in the UK, all based on at best specious reasoning from less than 2,500, mostly unhealthy, middle-aged Caucasian men."
Autumn Warren, creator of Ether Elixir, talks about mindful meditation and ways to destress in a busy world. Autumn suggests taking a set time out of the day every day dedicated to meditation. We must have an urgency for this set aside time to quiet our mind. Breathing exercises are an excellent way to get started!