SPCA, Home Workouts for Beginners, Preparedness

Keto Cowboy on One Life RadioHappy Friday! We have a wonderful surprise for our listeners! Autumn Warren Connelly joins us with a positive mantra to bring us health and healing for the weekend. We miss Autumn, and hope she'll come back more often.

SPCA and North Texas Giving Day

Maura Davies, the Vice President of Communications for the SPCA, joins us for her weekly segment. Today she talks about North Texas Giving Day coming up on Tuesday, May 5th. This event is part of a global call to action, #GivingTuesdayNow, encouraging donor support of nonprofits around the world. These groups are working tirelessly helping fight against the social and economic impact of COVID-19. They all can use our support more than ever.  Over 3,000 charities  are participating in the DFW area alone. Maura says the economic impact of this virus has hit non-profits hard and the full impact is yet to be known. Even though the SPCA adoption center is closed during this unprecedented pandemic, they are continuing their outreach efforts thanks to their many volunteers. Even during hardship, they work tirelessly to ensure that all animals are safe and cared for. To donate to the SPCA as part of North Texas Giving Day, visit the SPCA page.

At Home Workouts for Beginners with Cody Myler

Cody Myler brings his expertise to One Life Radio for those wanting to become fit, but aren't sure where or how to begin.  Myler says anyone can create a positive and effective routine at home. What makes you happy? Do you prefer working out 10 minutes every hour or an hour a day all at once? Is it easier for you to workout in the morning or at night? He says it's all balance. Just remember that nothing gets you nothing, so any effort you make is going to make a difference.Myler offers up his number one at-home exercise to get you started. Sit on the edge of your sofa or a chair and place a broom over your shoulders and wrap your arms around each end. Then, just twist back and forth for 15 min. a day. Combine this with the right meal plan and a few more exercises, and you're on your way to your summer body!And, as a huge surprise, Cody is offering One Life Radio listeners a FREE four week workout plan!  Just message him on instagram @fitketocowboy with the level you're on. Let us know how it goes, and we'll post as well on our progress.

Preparedness with Stephanie Toups

Lastly, Stephanie Toups talks about preparedness. Many of us weren't prepared for the self-isolation and shelter-in-place mandates brought on by COVID-19. She said that you can easily incorporate preparedness in everyday living. When you're at the store, buy an extra package of toilet paper, dish soap, etc. to keep on hand for emergencies. If you're on medications, talk to your doctor about getting a 90-day supply. Also, women should have an extra stash of feminine hygiene products for emergencies. She also discusses how families and singles in apartments or smaller homes can make room for your preparedness items. For even more tips, check out her original One Life preparedness segment here.

We Love Our Listeners & Sponsors!

Thanks again to all of our listeners of One Life Radio! We truly appreciate you all. Have a wonderful weekend! And, please remember that North Texas Giving Day is happening now through May 5th.And, thank you to our sponsors: Sunwarrior, NED CBD, Enviromedica, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and VEGWORLD Magazine. 


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