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Stephanie Seneff, PhD - Origin of Glyphosate and Why We Need to Stop Using It. #1564
Mind, Health and Fitness One Life Radio Show & Podcast Mind, Health and Fitness One Life Radio Show & Podcast

Stephanie Seneff, PhD - Origin of Glyphosate and Why We Need to Stop Using It. #1564

We are happy to have Stephanie Seneff, Phd, on for a second time to continue the conversation regarding the dangers of Glyphosate, a pesticide used on the majority of U.S. crops. Dr. Seneff outlines the history of Glyphosate, explaining how itโ€™s become so widely used today, even though we know itโ€™s harmful to our health and to the environment. Learn more about the history of Glyphosate in her new book, Toxic Legacy.

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