Jan 19th 2018 - Lost Dog Awareness - Roundup Chronicles Cont. - Preparing to Succeed - Top 10 Ways to Detoxify Every Day


Lost Dog Awareness

spca“Oh no…” Dread and fear course through your body as comprehension of the situation takes over. You’re standing in your backyard, staring at the open gate.Pork Chop is nowhere to be seen… Unfortunately, situations such as the above are unfortunately commonplace for some pet owners. Some dogs have an uncanny ability to escape when the urge to wander takes over them.How to ensure you can be reunited with Pork Chop if he escapes

  1. Keep ID tags up to date
  2. Microchip!


  1. Post photos on social media
  2. Post flyers in the neighborhood
  3. Check animal control and nearby shelters

 If you need up to date identification tags made or you’d like to get your pet a microchip, call the SPCA of Texas at 214-742-7722. They provide both of these services at a reduced cost to our communities!

The Roundup Chronicles Continued...

Dr. Mike Fenster continues his segment of The Roundup Chronicles.

Preparing to Succeed: What You Have in Your Kitchen so You Can Actually Achieve Your Health Goals

Jill Lane discusses cookware, labels, GMO's and more!

  1. Jill you say that people make one common fatal mistake when they set out to create a change in their health, what is it?
  2. Besides setting up an environment for success, what else do you believe is important to achieving our health goals?
  3. Let’s get back to the environment, where should we start when setting ours up?
  4. What should we do when we get off track?

Top 10 Ways to Detoxify Every Day

Stephanie Toups gives us her top 10 ways to detoxify in your life every day!

  1. Drink more filtered water
  2. Start your day with lemon water
  3. Oil Pulling
  4. Tongue scraping
  5. Eat more organic green leafy veggies
  6. Add some probiotics
  7. “Beef up” on organic/pastured meats, dairy, and produce instead of conventional
  8. Try some chlorophyll
  9. Consider gentle detoxifying teas
  10. “Unplug” during a meal

Dr. Mona Morstein - Master Your Diabetes Cont., Dr. Jonny Bowden - Symptoms Men Complain About, Autumn Warren - Kombucha & Probiotics Jan 22nd, 2018


Jan 18th 2018 - Side Effects of an Eating Disorder - Top 10 Nutrition Trends of 2018 - Mental Strength