Mo Brossette - Pushing Limits, Tom Blas - Krav Maga #1473

Pushing Limits and Krav Maga

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Mo Brossette is here to discuss how to push our limits, and how he recently pushed his. Tom Blas, Krav Maga expert is back to discuss “Defense Workouts: Krav Maga, Self-Defense and Weapons Defense Classes.” It’s going to be a great show, so please, stick around!


Tom Blas

Krav Maga

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Tom is a United States Army veteran, certified trainer and Krav Maga instructor. His experience in fitness spans several decades and includes managing all operations for the Fitness Connection locations in Houston, TX. In 2005, he moved to Dallas to oversee training and education for all DFW 24-Hour Fitness locations. Currently, Tom is one of the top trainers in the Metroplex with over 60 client sessions per week.

Defense Workouts: Krav Maga, Self-Defense and Weapons Defense Classes

You have to be prepared. Always be vigilant, and aware of what is going on around you. Just because you may carry a gun, it does not mean that you will be able to defend yourself. Everyone should know self defense, no matter man or woman, or girl or boy. Self defense can save your life and give you options! The Krav Maga symbol has an opening at the beginning and the end because we can always learn more as a person. It is about how you approach life. A lot of people get distracted by looking at their phone. Put your bag in the car first. Make eye contact with your aggressor. Little things like this can save your life and prevent your funeral. It is so critical to keep your cool, even if seconds feel like minutes. Carry yourself with high esteem, because criminals will prey on the weak. Do not even create an opportunity for a criminal to attack you. Tom trains his clients to do their daily activities more safely. He teaches the, eye contact, being assertive, keeping your hands out of your pockets, and keeping your head and shoulders high. Krav Maga is all about instinctual movements. The best age to start self defense is ages 4-5. With children, he teaches them the “I mean it” stance. Krav Maga can benefit all ages!

Mo Brossette

Personal Fitness Trainer

Mo Brossette has been in the health and fitness industry for over 24 years, and he is currently the Director of Mindset and Nutrition at The Adaptive Training Foundation, a Dallas based non-profit that leads disabled military veterans and civilians through a 9-week mental and physical training program called “Redefine”. Through this unique program, Mo helps these adaptive athletes overcome physical, emotional and mental pain, fear, and self-doubt. Mo is a Keynote Speaker on fear and an expert in human behavior, mindset and language. He is the Founder of Hunt and Prosper where he leads an 8-week Master Fear online program as well as the Men’s Leadership Academy

Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

Pushing The Limits

Mo Brossette recently went through a mental and physical challenge. The main fitness demand of the GORUCK Challenge is rucking, 20-25 miles with load. Additional fitness demands include lifting an carrying heavy, odd objects, extended calisthenics, and overall fitness/endurance for a 12-14 hour event. Build Rucking Performance/Endurance – The best way to improving rucking performance is to ruck. During this program you’ll ruck 3 days/week, and at the top of the cycle, will ruck 16 miles in one session, and 30 miles in a week. Build Work Capacity – GORUCK Challenges are more than long rucks. You’ll be tasked with multiple team events which will test your overall work capacity. This program includes multi-modal and odd-object work capacity events to prepare you. Build Overall Strength – You’ll move some iron in the weight-room as part of this program. The focus is on your leg/hip/core and upper body strength. Strong athletes perform better and are more durable. Training sessions are long, hard grinders which combine distance rucking with multi-modal, work capacity events. Your Saturday training will most closely resemble what you’ll face at the GORUCK Challenge and build/test both your physical and mental fitness.

A Big Thank You!

Thank you to todays guests, Mo Brosette and Tom Blas!

Follow Tom Blas on Instagram @bodyanddefense!

Read more about Mo Brossette and his program, here!


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