Weight Gain & Metabolism, Contain Your Bad Mood #1037

Weight GainWe all want to know what the magic pill is to stop gaining weight and to speed up our metabolism. So many factors can contribute to weight gain and how fast your metabolism is that you may not be aware of. Dr. Jolene Brighten is the author of the book "Beyond the Pill" and she is an expert on hormones and endocrine health. She is also a functional naturopathic medical doctor, so she knows her stuff. Today we talk specifically about metabolism and weight gain. Things like your thyroid, hormone replacements, age, diet and lifestyle all effect the way your body will process food and hold onto fat. Dr. Brighten gives us some of the tips on how to find out what is the cause of your weight gain and how to speed up your metabolism.Our girl Kip Watson joins us today as well to talk about how a contagious bad mood ruins everything. Moods are contagious, that is fact. And bad moods can especially make their way through a group of people and infect so many. There are ways to identify your bad mood and handle it BEFORE you make someones good mood go blue. Kip Watson is a licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor and a Sports Psychology Professional so she handles all types of clients. And athletes, this can be crucial to performance, as well as business professionals. So keep your bad mood away from others by listening to this podcast and learning how!


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