Thomas Cowan - Vaccines and Autoimmunity, Kip Watson - Turning Pressure into Hope #834 Aug. 23rd, 2018


Over the past fifty years, rates of autoimmunity and chronic disease have exploded: currently 1 in 2.5 American children has an allergy, 1 in 11 has asthma, 1 in 13 has severe food allergies, and 1 in 36 has autism. While some attribute this rise to increased awareness and diagnosis, Dr. Thomas Cowan argues for a direct causal relationship to the increase in vaccinations. Today, we begin a series with Dr. Cowan as we go through his book and answer the ultimate question: What are we really doing to children when we vaccinate them? How do we turn pressure and stress into hope? Kip Watson gives us her best tips for keeping the glass half full!


Maura Davies - Your Pet's Emergency Go Kit, Jeff Witzeman - Cancer, and Stephanie Toups 8 Ways to Live a Low Waste Lifestyle #835


#833 Aug 22nd 2018 - "Thyroid Health: From Enervated to Rejuvenated" - "Exercising for the Whole Body"