Shawn Wells - Exercise - #1524

Shawn Wells Tuesday!


Today we have Shawn Wells all to ourselves (for the most part) to talk all about exercise! First off, Stacy Sutton-Kerby pops back in to deliver bad news.

Stacy Sutton-Kerby

Stacy is the Director of Government Relations for the Texas Humane Legislation Network, a nonprofit promoting the humane treatment of animals through legislation, education and advocacy. Previously, Stacy co-hosted a podcast about animal welfare issues, and worked with local agencies to launch Safekeeping – a program supporting the pets of people exiting domestic violence.


The governor of Texas has pulled a surprise move, vetoing a bipartisan bill that would have provided greater protections for dogs against human abuse. The Republican governor, Greg Abbott, vetoed a bill on Friday that would have made unlawful restraint of a dog a criminal offense, sending animal rights activists and legislators on both sides of the aisle into a fray and spurring the hashtag #AbbottHatesDogs. State senate bill 474, dubbed the Safe Outdoor Dogs Act, aimed to ban the use of heavy chains to keep dogs tethered. The bill had bipartisan support in the legislature, passing the house 83-32 and the senate 28-3. In his veto, Abbott said state statutes already existed to protect dogs from animal cruelty, and the penalties proposed in the bill of $500 to $2,000, and jail time of up to 180 days, were excessive. The bill said that dog owners could have dogs outside but could not restrain them with short lines and chains or anything that could cause injury and pain to the dog.

Click here to read more about what Stacy and her team are doing to help protect all kinds of animals all over the state of Texas!

Shawn Wells

Master of Public Health / Licensed Dietitian / Registered Dietitian / Certified Sports Nutritionist from the International Society of Sports Nutrition / Fellow of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Shawn Wells is the world’s leading nutritional biochemist and expert on health optimization. He has formulated over 500 supplements, food, beverages, and cosmeceuticals and patented 10 novel ingredients. Formerly a Chief Clinical Dietitian with over a decade of clinical experience, he has counseled thousands of people on innovative health solutions. He has also personally overcome various health issues including Epstein-Barr Virus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, depression, insomnia, obesity, and a pituitary tumor. As a world-renowned thought-leader on mitochondrial health, his insights have been prominently featured in documentaries, podcasts and on morning television. His expertise can help any health-conscious individual to better manage stress and experience greater resilience and more energy through utilizing his practical research-backed solutions. His book, "The ENERGY Formula" has been recognized by both USA Today and Forbes as well as an Amazon best-seller in multiple categories.


When we move, our bodies understand how we are suppose to move on either. Merely walking and staying upright has so much science behind it! A lot of exercise is electrical signals. When we are just sitting, our body adapts to this and finds ways to change and adapt to not moving. Muscles get tightened down, and in turn, learn to be stagnant. A medical report in 2011 revealed that people who live a sedentary lifestyle have a higher chance of dying from heart disease, and a correlation between long-time sitting will also increase chances of developing diseases such as spine disease, obesity, diabetes, etc. For employers who care for their well-being, access to standing desks has become a prominent issue in the workspace. In order to improve the work efficiency and retention rate of employees, companies have been investing in standing desks. This has led to many benefits such as reducing the number of sick days, and the potential medical expenses in the future. Companies have seen standing desks as a revolution of the health of their employees. Break up your movement throughout the day. Even if you do choose to workout an hour a day, the other 23 hours you are sedentary.

Find fun ways to move your body. Shawn likes sand volleyball! Vincenza, the social media manager, likes to go bouldering! Workouts don’t have to be like what they look like on YouTube or the movies.


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