Kip Watson - How Anyone Can Be A High Performer Part 6 & Last of the Series – Necessity - #1525

Therapy Thursday!


Kip Watson is here for the full hour to finalize her series on “How Anyone Can be a High Performer - Necessity.” Stick around, we are ready to dominate the airwaves!

Kip Watson

Kip is a licensed Professional Counselor & Supervisor and Sports Psychology Professional. She holds two Master’s degrees and has 20 years of experience working with athletes, coaches, families, and corporate teams. Kip is also a Certified High Performance Coach, Former professional athlete and Mom of two.

Part 6 - Necessity

The first five of the six things you need to be a high performance habits are: courage, clarity, energy, productivity, and influence. That brings us to the last habit that is necessity. 

If you can get these habits down, life will be better for you. Necessity is really your foundation. What it relates to is your purpose. Do you know why you're here? Do you know what your purpose? Necessity is all about understanding that and how it relates to your spiritual life. This is getting deep! You need to believe you have a purpose and find your necessity on this bodily earth. Your purpose is not the same as your job. You may carry out your purpose via your job, using it as a catalyst, but when you go to bed at night, your purpose should still be there and you should feel your necessity on this planet. Bernadette says she has known what her mission and purpose on this earth has been, which has been to help animals! She knew this her was necessity from a feeling deep in her soul. When you wake up, are you excited for your day? This is about something bigger than you. Spirituality can be many different perspectives, not just what most people think when they hear the word… church… etc. Spiritually defined is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

Kip takes us through an exercise to find out our personal mission statement. Listen in to follow along. First, write down what you spend your free time on. When you have free time, what do you do? Second, where do you spend your money? People find time and money for what is important to them. Third, what were your positive prophecies, especially as a child? What did people say that you would become when you were younger. What did they see that was good in you that they predicted you would continue to conquer on into your adulthood. Other things that you can look at are things that you enjoyed doing as a child or a teenager, and reflect back now and see if you are still doing that. When you write your mission statement, use action verbs in the present tense. You want your statement to be effective personally and professionally.  


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