Furry Friday - Ingrid Newkirk - PETA Update, Maura Davies - Keeping Pets Safe Outdoors - #1526

Happy Furry Friday!


Today we have SPCA’s own Maura Davies here to talk about keeping pets safe outdoors. Founder of PETA, Ingrid Newkirk is back to give us an update on PETA and what they are doing to fight for the ethical treatment of all animals.

Maura Davies

Maura Davies is the Vice President for Marketing & Communications at the SPCA of Texas.

Keeping Pets Safe Outdoors

It's important to protect your dog from the elements, such as wind, rain, snow, and even sunshine. Different types of weather bring different considerations on how to keep your dog safe. The length of time you can leave your dog outside greatly relies on the weather. In extreme cold or hot conditions, your dog should be able to seek refuge in your home to balance out the outside temperature. There is nothing wrong with letting an active dog play in the snow for a while if he is able to come in and warm up. Similarly, a dog who enjoys sunbathing should have plenty of access to shade and cold water. Without access to your home, dogs can overheat or even freeze to death. If you are outdoors with your dog, say having a barbecue and you are monitoring him or her, that is different. Leaving an animal outside all the time, even overnight, is never okay.

If your dog must be kept outside for a long period of time, invest in a kennel to give him shelter from weather conditions. Opt for one that is insulated, waterproof, and can be covered to block the sun's rays. The kennel doesn't need to be too large, just big enough for your dog to move around comfortably. Keep it stocked with warm blankets in the winter and cool towels in the summer. Dogs also need socialization! A dog who has been chained up all day is most likely to jump on you to tell you they missed you. try positive reinforcement if your dog is doing this. Dog’s should be able to tell you when they want to come in, but it can also be complicated to tell because of breed, age, immunocompromised dogs.

For more information on keeping your dog safe outdoors, click here!

Ingrid Newkirk

Ingrid Newkirk is the president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters worldwide. She is the author of more than a dozen books that have been translated into several languages, including her latest, Animalkind: Remarkable Discoveries About Animals and Revolutionary New Ways to Show Them Compassion which has just been released in paperback! PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, on factory farms, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry.

PETA Update

After Gov. Greg Abbott vetoed a long-awaited bill that would have prevented dogs from being left chained out in the scorching heat unattended, among providing other assistance—causing #AbbottHatesDogs to trend on Twitter— PETA plans to call him out with a billboard placed in major Texas cities and along the state’s border, where everyone heading into the Lone Star State will get an eyeful. The bipartisan Safe Outdoor Dogs Act would have offered vital minimum protections for “backyard dogs,” including requiring that they have water and access to shade—but Abbott dismissed these life-and-death issues as “micro-managing.” “Every summer, PETA gets calls about dogs who have essentially broiled to death on chains because they couldn’t escape the heat and didn’t have a drop of water or an inch of shade” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “PETA’s billboard will rally kind Texans to push the governor to stop digging a hole for himself and start protecting pups.”

We should all be considerate of each other no matter what package er are in. Bernadette brings up the baby monkey Britches, who’s eyes were sewn shut as part of a blind study to learn more about blindness. Originally, this experiment was suppose to be about children (ethical,) but they ultimately chose monkeys to experiment on so it was easier to see them throughout the study. 

To learn more about these stories, and all of PETA’s efforts, visit PETA.org.


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