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Jared Ramirez - Enviromedica, Gut Microbiome; Faraz Khan - Anti-Aging and Longevity - #1515

Terrific Tuesday!

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It’s Terrific Tuesday! Enviromedica’s Jared Ramirez is here to discuss gut microbiomes and their winning NEXTY award! Anti-Aging Hacks Expert, Faraz Khan is here to discuss anti-aging and longevity. 

Jared Ramirez

Jared Ramirez is the CEO of Enviromedica, makers of Terraflora and a sponsor of One Life Radio Enviromedica is a natural health and wellness company, founded in 2007. Inspired by nature and ancestral health, they make premium foundational products to support whole body nutrition and help people achieve optimal health.Listen to a few of his segments:Gut Health and Probiotics Benefits of Organ Meats

Microbiome and Gut Health In The News

Congratulations to Enviromedica on winning a NEXTY award! The NEXTY Awards recognize the most progressive, innovative, inspiring and trustworthy products in the natural products industry. Chosen from more than 800 nominees, Terraflora® Deep Immune won the award for Best New Product Supporting a Healthy Microbiome. Most of our immune system resides in the gut. About 70-80 percent. One of the ingredients in the Terraflora Deep Immune product has proved to show that the LC plasma reacts with ta special package in the gut that turns on your cells to create proteins and metabolites to energize the immune system. Even serotonin, the happy neurotransmitter that makes you happy, resides and can be created or harmed in the gut! We know that serotonin is for and in the brain, most of it is made in the gut. Keep listening for some interesting science from an amazing scientist and CEO himself! 

Faraz Khan

Faraz Khan is a former computer scientist turned longevity educator, speaker and biohacker. Seeing his parents age before his eyes prompted Faraz to dive headfirst into the world of anti-aging and longevity. Faraz turned from helping large media, life sciences and pharma companies to helping everyday people beat back the scourge of aging. He launched his podcast "Anti-Aging Hacks" in 2019 where he interviews the top minds in longevity, anti-aging and health. Faraz is also the host of a yearly Anti-Aging Summit.

Anti-Aging and Longevity

Faraz started to be interested in anti-aging when he visited his parents after a long trip, or being away from home for awhile. When he would return, he could see his parents aging before his eyes. That led him into researching anti-aging, attending conferences, and more. It now has became his life and has led him to a successful life with podcasting and teaching others about anti-aging. Longevity vs Anti-aging can be confusing. Longevity is the root cause of all diseases and the thing that you try to control to make yourself live longer. Anti-aging is the act of act of making life changes that increase your life expectancy. Faraz has a podcast called “Anti-Aging Hacks” that you can listen to on your favorite podcasting service. As far as living long. You can start with small changes. Don’t drink tap water. Avoid processed food in excess. Avoid excess alcohol. You can also do simple things like walk and try and stand more throughout the day if you have a desk job. Try and live an ancestral lifestyle by moving your body and eating foods that are deep in color like deep greens and reds. Find more Anti-Aging Hacks by subscribing to Faraz’s podcast!

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