Jared Ramirez - Evolutionary Medicine and Mo Brosette - Starting Meditation

Enviromedica on One Life Radio

Jared Ramirez and Mo Brossette

Evolutionary Medicine vs. Modern Medicine

Jared Ramirez is the CEO of Enviromedica, makers of Terraflora and a sponsor of One Life Radio. Ramirez begins our discussion with the basic definition of Evolutionary Medicine, or Darwinian Medicine.  It is basically the theory of natural selection. When people contracted diseases hundreds of years ago, the ones with the stronger immune systems survived. This group who survived went on to procreate, which in turn passed along stronger survival genes to the offspring. With that said, each generation became just a little stronger than the one before.Followers of modern medicine respond to illnesses rather than promote preventative medicine. It's a reactionary practice to an extent.  Many of modern medicine recommendations mask symptoms rather that address their underlying issues.

Maladaptive Conditions

If fact, it's been reported that six in 10 Americans live with at least one chronic disease.  Diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes have the highest numbers in the U.S. Evolutionary Medicine theorists categorize these as maladaptive conditions. Maladaptive conditions are directly correlated to manmade  surroundings and conditions such as pollution, toxins, processed foods, lack of exercise and obesity. Ramirez says that while COVID-19  is not considered a maladaptive condition, it would fall in that classification if someone had any of the preconditions listed above.

Evolved Defenses

Ramirez goes on to discuss Evolved Defenses. We've all had fevers, diarrhea, nausea or anxiety at one time or another. Evolutionary Medicine considers these “Evolved Defenses”.  Ramirez explains that these are the ways our bodies fight off disease and bad bacteria. For instance, when you have food poisoning, you throw up or have diarrhea. These defenses are your body's reaction to try and keep you from having more serious issues. In most cases, we should experience the fever, and even make our temperature higher with an infrared sauna, hot bath or steamy shower to aid in fighting off whatever pathogen our body is reacting to. These reactions may not be pleasant at times, but are necessary to protect ourselves.

What Drives Humans Towards or Away from Health?

We go on to discuss another definition of Evolutionary Medicine; to seek to learn what drives the human body toward or away from health. So, is an explanation for why we crave unhealthy foods or stay sedentary rather than workout? Ramirez gives a great example of this concept with our addiction to sugar. Long ago, humans thought of sweet foods as "safe". Bitter foods meant danger. We, as evolved humans, still carry that innate thought process throughout generations. Learn how to truly win over your sugar cravings and more about Evolutionary Medicine at enviromedica.com

Starting a Meditation Practice

If you don’t know where to begin to start a meditation routine, Mo Brossette says you can start anywhere at any time. If you pay attention to a particular thing like a fire, plant, dot on the wall, etc. and breath intentionally, you are meditating! Bernadette loves to meditate outside near her firepit at night. You can also tie a gratitude practice into your meditation. While you're focusing on something, think about what you are grateful for.Brossette goes on to site studies showing that practicing meditation will increase gray matter in the frontal lobe, helping with speech and feelings. Meditation also affects part of the brain that helps with mood because it can release serotonin and dopamine, the “feel good” chemicals in the brain.Meditation will help you to better handle stressful situations, improves your  overall sense of well-being and even helps memory.  Brossette says the effects of meditation may take time, but you will notice the positive effects if you stick with it. Just 10 to 15 minutes of meditation a day will change your life.If you'd like to learn more about Evolutionary Medicine and Enviromedica, visit enviromedica.com. If you'd like to get more information about Mo Brossette, visit brossetteperformance.com.


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