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Maura Davies - Breaking the Cycle Pt. 1, <a href="">Dr. Mike Fenster</a> - Citizens Under Attack, Shawn Wells - Over Processed Foods

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Maura Davies, Dr. Mike Fenster, and Shawn Wells

Breaking the Cycle Pt. 1

Maura Davies, VP of Communications at the North Texas SPCA talks about the connection between violence towards animals and violence towards people.There are so many questions about how we should address early signs of violence against animals:

  1. How do law enforcement, parents and schools intervene when they observe a child committing acts of violence against animals?

  2. How do we make it easier for students, employers and peers in the community to report disturbing behavior to authorities?

  3. Once reported, what resources do social services and law enforcement agencies have to address the problem in an effective manner?

  4. Is it possible to rehabilitate these adolescents through counseling?

  5. What level of mental healthcare coverage should we expect insurers to cover?

  6. Should individuals with a history of violence towards people and/or animals be banned from owning a firearm?

  7. How do we stop these individuals from escalating their violent criminal activity without violating their civil rights?

  8. To what degree should social media platforms bear responsibility for reporting alarming content that gets flagged for violating community guidelines to the authorities?

None of these questions have a clear and simple answer. The North Texas LINK Coalition is part of a nationwide conversation to identify strategies, policies and legislation that can help break the cycle of violence to make our community a safer place for both people and animals.

Citizens Defy Monsanto. Now They're Under Attack!

Dr. Mike Fenster talks about the communities under attack for defying Monsanto and the spraying of Roundup.

Over Processed Foods

Shawn Wells talks about a new study was published demonstrating a potential link between processed foods and cancer risk. While, this study has its own inherent limitations it was carried out over a long duration with a large sample size making the findings particularly interesting.1. What are ultra-processed foods?2. What were the main findings of this study?3. Does this mean that processed foods are causing cancer?4. What is the potential mechanism?5. What can you do to avoid processed foods?