Tina Bernet Allen - Weight Training and Weight Loss, Dr. Dan Engle - Destigmatizing Psychedelics #1555

It’s Workout Wednesday! Our favorite workout expert, Tina Bernet-Allen is breaking down a recent study regarding weight training and fat burning . Could working out with weights burn fat faster than other workouts? Learn about cellular crosstalk and what it means for weight loss. And, if you’re in Dallas and looking for a fabulous trainer, reach out to Tina. She’s amazing!

And, Dr. Dan Engle is back to destigmatize psychedelics, and classified drugs in general. Do you know who decides which drugs are illegal? With research studies showing up to an 80% cure rate for PTSD using psychedelic drugs such as MDMA and psilocybin, we need to educate ourselves and start pushing back on current regulations. Listen to hear Dr. Dan’s extensive knowledge on the subject, and learn more about him at drdanengle.com.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. The use of information in this podcast is at one’s own discretion, and is not an endorsement of use given the complexity inherent in these medicines, and the current variable widespread illegality of their usage. 

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Dewone Bennett - How to Leave Work Behind on Vacation #1556


Mo Brossette - Nature and Our Health, EMME - Body Acceptance #1554